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Shared Equity Scheme

Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper is a NSW Government initiative to help eligible home buyers purchase their own home with as little as a 2% deposit.


Your first home is not far off. All that’s required is 2% of the purchase price

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What is the Shared Equity Scheme?

The NSW Government will pay a proportion of the purchase price of a property in exchange for an equivalent ownership share of the property. The NSW Government equity contribution is up to 40 per cent of the purchase price of a new dwelling and up to 30 per cent of the purchase price of an existing dwelling. The purchaser must have a minimum deposit of 2 per cent of the purchase price, with no lenders mortgage insurance required. No repayments are required on the equity contribution and no rent or interest will be charged while a participant remains eligible for the scheme. Participants can make voluntary payments to progress to full ownership of their property.

How do I know if I'm eligible?

The shared equity scheme is open to:

  • a single parent of a child or children under 18 years of age
  • a single person 50 years of age or above, or 
  • first home buyer key workers who are nurses, teachers or police.

The gross income of the household must be no more than $90,000 for singles and $120,000 for couples.

The participant must be buying a home with a property price less than $950,000 in Sydney and major regional centres (Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Illawarra, Central Coast, North Coast of NSW) or less than $600,000 in other regional areas.

The participant must be at least 18 years of age and be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or a permanent Australian resident.

The participant must have a minimum deposit of 2 per cent of the purchase price.

The participant must occupy the property as their principal place of residence.

The participant must not own an interest in any land in Australia or overseas at the time of purchase.

The participant must not be able to service the mortgage for the property purchase without the Government equity contribution but be able to service the mortgage with a participating lender with the Government equity contribution.


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Do I need to pay back the NSW Government?

While you meet the eligibility criteria for the shared equity scheme, you will not be required to make repayments on the Government’s contribution, nor will any rent or interest be charged.

If you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, you will have to start making repayments on the Government’s contribution. So far as the income requirement is concerned, if your income exceeds the threshold on 2 consecutive annual review reporting dates, you will be required to start making repayments.

Despite this, you can make voluntary payments to progress toward full ownership of the property.

Whether or not you continue to meet the criteria will be determined by an annual review. Each year you will be required to complete a review and provide supporting information.


First Home Buyers

Key worker first home buyers who are eligible for the shared equity scheme are also eligible for stamp duty exemptions or concessions under the First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme (where they meet this eligibility criteria).

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